Eco-friendly Baby

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What sort of legacy do you want to leave your children?

Let’s go on a journey together to make a positive future for our children and their children …

Being ecofriendly is a mindset. It’s about asking questions and making positive changes in your life. Parenting transforms your thinking ... now you have a child or are about to have one you want your world to be greener and cleaner.

You can see consumerism for what it is ... strong marketing influences are everywhere you look, trying to convince you to buy things that you really don’t need.

Don’t be satisfied to leave things all up to governments to change the world for the better. We each have a responsibility to do this ourselves. Everyone’s efforts towards a healthier planet is important.

 I’ve been interested in caring for the environment ever since I can remember. In fact my first memory of being concerned was watching a television program as a 10 year old child.

The vision I was being shown was of a beautiful river bank where there had been lots of rubbished dumped. I remember being very upset and bewildered by this. I couldn’t understand how anyone could do this.

Through my early 20’s I investigated everything from biodynamic and organic farming to vegetarianism. I read many books, talked to like-minded people and made many changes in my life.

As a midwife and childbirth educator my interest in babies relates strongly to educating about their environment.

I wrote this guide on the whys and how to create that ecofriendly world for your baby. It is not long and complex as this is not necessary. Baby’s needs are essentially very simple.

A need to be loved and nurtured,

A need to be fed and made comfortable, kept warm and safe.

I have created a FREE booklet that informs you of many ways you can improve your environment in an eco-friendly way. It explains why many of the products that are strongly marketed to parents are unnecessary and sometimes harmful to you and your family.

As well I have chosen not to include a lot of technical diagrams and figures with the view that I wish to keep the booklet simple and easy to read. I have read and researched the information I present to you with the knowledge that you can access further facts and information if you choose, please click below and I will email it to you.

Thanks for reading ... Have a great day!


If you would like to receive my FREE booklet, please click here.
